Women Veterans Retreat at Spirit Mountain now offered Virtually.

Two women standing next to each other in a field.

This VHVtv episode is about the Women Veterans Retreat at Spirit Mountain in Idyllwild, CA and this weekend was their first Virtual Retreat.

Now, this retreat for Women Veterans is being offered virtually.

I have Post Traumatic Stress and attended the August 2019 “Return to Yourself, a resiliency Retreat for Women Veterans with P.T.S.D.” held at the Spirit Mountain Retreat in Idyllwild, CA to learn to cope better living with P.T.S.D. This was the second time I have participated in this wonderful and enlightening workshop.

While there, I was given the extraordinary opportunity to film interviews with Spirit Mountain Retreat Executive Director Mary Morse and Callie Wight, R.N. and retired VA Women Veterans Counselor, as they present “A Return to Yourself.”

A young woman in military attire wearing a hat.A young woman in military attire wearing a hat.

Mary Morse and Callie Wight present: “A Return to Yourself: A Resiliency Retreat for Women Veterans with P.T.S.D.” at the Spirit Mountain Retreat in Idyllwild, CA.
Also featured is Nancy O’Brien of Wind Horse Crossing as she discusses the benefits of equine therapy and Nicole Hill, a U.S.M.C. veteran, tells how her Service Dog, Belle, helps her cope with trauma. Filmed Aug. 8 – 11, 2019. A young woman in military attire wearing a hat.

Mary Morse and Callie Wight.

The first Virtual Spirit Mountain Retreat for Women Veterans was done over the weekend of July 25 and 26, 2020 via Zoom videoconferencing.
For more information please contact [email protected] or call 951-659-2523
and http://www.spiritmountainretreat.org/

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