Creating 1 minute video clips

Veterans Helping Veterans TV is creating 1 minute video clips from our existing content.
This is a big deal for VHVtv because normally we produce our Community Educational Access TV series for the MidPen Media Center in Palo Alto in half hour episodes.
We are continuing to create half hour interviews and submit all our content to the Media Center via Dropbox.

Now, we are creating these 1 minute video clips highlighting our interviews. It’s a lot of fun interviewing people and we have amazing guests on our show and are sharing these great moments with you!
Our YouTube handle is @VhvtvOrg and we invite you to watch, share and subscribe to our YouTube Channel Https://

VHVtv Clip #45 is with Fine Arts Photographer Rachelle Steele, U.S. Navy Veteran.

VHVtv Clip #44 features Graciela Tiscareno-Sato and Olivia Chavez-Carroll.

Grace asks Olivia why she joined the Marines and the Army and how she became an aviator.

VHVtv Clip #43 Honoring Women Veterans during Women’s History Month and here is a 1 minute clip with Jo Keller, U.S.A.F. Veteran.
She is the Commander of the Dept. of CA Military Order of the Purple Heart.

Women's History Month. 
Kate O'Hare Palmer.
Kate O’Hare Palmer, U.S. Army Combat Nurse in the Vietnam War
Here is a VHVtv Clip featuring Vietnam Veterans of America Kate O’Hare Palmer.

VHVtv Clip #41 During March, we are sharing 1 minute clips about Women Veterans since we are celebrating Women’s History month. Today’s clip is with U.S. Navy Veteran, Phyllis Thomas, an Artist.

VHVtv has created our first 1 hour documentary, “The Story Tellers of VetArt” and we filmed it at the Veterans Pop-Up Arts Cafe in Sacramento on October 12, 2022.
VHVtv created these 1 minute Clips from this VetArt Pop-Up event!

VHVtv Clip #40 is the Drum Circle at VetArt.

VHVtv Clip #39 is with Darron Devillez a U. S. Navy Veteran as he tells us how he overcame homelessness and became a College Professor through Art Therapy.

Clip #38 is a VetArt Spoken Word Performance “The Starfish Mentality.” by Tonya Savice, U.S.A.F. Veteran.

Clip #38 is about VetArt’s Jill Brenegan as she discusses Art Therapy.

Clip #37 is about Malika Humphrey’s, U.S. Air Force Veteran and Photographer.

Clip #36 is with Travis Orth as he performs his original song, “For The Families” and it features the Art of Phyllis Thomas, Tony LoBue and Luz Helena Thompson.

Clip #35 is with Kathleen McMinn Ellertson, Founder of the Veterans Art Institute.

Clip #34 is about Indigo Moor, U.S. Navy Veteran and the Sacramento Poet Laureate Emeritus.

Clip #33 is with Breona Calvert as she sings the National Anthem at the VetArtPopUp event in Sacramento.

Clip #32 is about VetArt and their partnership with the Mental Health Services Oversight & Accountability Commission, the MHSOAC.

Clip #31 is about Anthony a. LoBue, Artist and U.S. Army Veteran.

Clip #30 is about Kiyo Sato, U.S. Air Force Nurse Corp Veteran and Author, “Kiyo’s Story.”

Clip #29 is about Reginald Green, Artist/Sculptor.

Clip #28 is about Ivan Sam, U.S.N. Veteran and the First Nations Land Acknowledgement.

Clip #27 is about Fine Arts Photographer, Rachelle Steele, U.S. Navy Veteran.

VHVtv Clip #26 is about Bruce Fennigkoh, U.S. Army Veteran.

VHVtv Clip #25 is about Phyllis Thomas, an Artist and a U.S. Navy Veteran.

VHVtv Clip #24 is with the Master of Ceremonies of the VetArt Pop-Ups, Darron Davillez, USN Veteran.

VHVtv Clip #23 is about Carolina Hernandez and”Veteran Couture, Inc.”

Clip #22 is with Colin Hoffman, Sculptor.

VHVtv Clip #21 is about Tonya Savice, U.S.A.F. Veteran as she shares her story of healing through her Art.

VHVtv Clip #20 is a Spoken Word performance of the poem, “Camouflaged Heart” by U.S. Air Force Veteran Omar Columbus.

VHVtv Clip #19 is an interview with Ehren Tool, U.S. Veteran and Artist.

VHVtv Clip #18 is about the Veterans Resource Center at UC Riverside and is an interview with 2 Veterans, Chr!s Ochoa and Will Pines.

VHVtv Clip #17 with Kate Weber, a U.S. Army Veteran and a Veterans Advocate.

VHVtv Clip #16 is with Phyllis Thomas and co-Founder of Unite US, AnnMarie Halterman, US Air Force Veteran.

VHVtv Clip #15 and it is an interview with Helen Wong, the Commander of AMVETS CA Post 34 San Francisco.

VHVtv Clip #14 is with Elinor Otto, the longest working Rosie the Riveter in her 68 year career! Here are some words of wisdom from Elinor.

VHVtv Clip #13 is with Melissa Washington, the Founder of the Women Veterans Alliance and her outreach to Women Veterans through the WVA Unconferences.

VHVtv Clip #12 is with co-Founder of Uniting US AnnMarie Halterman, a USAF Veteran and Phyllis T. Miller, a USN Veteran and Artist. Phyllis will be presenting her art at the Library of Congress from June 28 to July 1, 2022.

VHVtv Clip #11 features Vietnam Veteran U.S. Army Combat Nurse Kate O’Hare Palmer.

VHVtv Clip #10 is with Karina Passi, a USAF Veteran and a drone pilot.

VHVtv Clip #9 is about the U.S Volunteers and how they provide Final Military Honors.

VHVtv Clip #8 is about Sandy Dee, her Service Dog, London and her non profit organization, A Pawsability4Veterans.

VHVtv Clip #7 Sharing a 1 minute video about Eldonna Fernandez and Baskets & Beads Kenya. Women empowering women.

VHVtv Clip #6 is about Da Li Reviera, U.S. Army Veteran.

VHVtv Clip #5 Virtual Interview with Gail Soffer and she is the Founder of the Mindful Veteran Project. Today’s 1 minute highlight. via @YouTube

VHVtv Clip #4 featuring the Underground Scholars and Gregory Sanchez of UC Riverside.

VHVtv Clip #3 is about Renee Hamilton-McNealy, U.S. Army Reserves Sergeant Major.>

VHVtv Clip #2 is with Lucy Wong and is about electric vehicles and she is known as EV Lu. She is also an amazing artist and creates quilts and teaches craft making to others.

VHVtv creating 1 minute clips from existing content and we are beginning with our first 1 minute Clip and it is about “Sisters in Arms, Tell Your Stories!” with Lila Holley, a U.S. Army Veteran and author of the Camouflaged Sisters Book series, as she encourages Women Veterans to tell their stories! This episode was filmed at the Women Veterans Alliance Unconference in Monterey, CA in October 2019.

VHVtv could not create these interviews without our wonderful volunteers: Richard Gonzales, Sandy Dee and Tami Thacker. Thank You So Much for your creative talents!
VHVtv is produced as a Community Educational Access Series for the

MidPen Media Center, 900 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA.
When we film in the studio, our content is created with a crew of 12 Volunteers and 1 paid studio tech.

We continue to film in person interviews started in June 2022. Instead of filming half hour episodes in a studio, we will be creating more short form interviews, 10 minutes or less.

New iPhone 13 Pro.
Sheryl Shaffer is the Producer of VHVtv. She likes to film with the iPhone 13 Pro in Cinematic mode.

We will be using our iPhone 12/13 Pros and editing on the iMovie. Recently, Apple updated the software and added 20 Story Board Templates and the Magic Movie. It is getting easier to use the iPhone to create short form content. So we are learning as we go and look forward to create more content. Meanwhile, I will be posting daily YouTube 1 minute Clips to share. Thanks for watching and sharing our content.

Now there are 3 options to film and the first is in a state of the art HD studio that reopened on July 7, 2022 at the MidPen Media Center in Palo Alto.
The second choice is to continue Virtual Interviews via Zoom videoconference.
VHVtv’s third option is to film short in person interviews.
If you are interested in being a Guest Host and filming in the HD studio at the Media Center in Palo Alto, CA or a short 10 minute in person interview, or a Virtual Interview via Zoom, please contact [email protected]

My name is Sheryl Shaffer and I produce VHVtv as a Volunteer Community Producer. Veterans Helping Veterans tv is creating 1 minute clips from existing content from our interviews with incredible veterans who are living a life of service to others and telling their inspirational stories..

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