Filming Interviews..

A woman standing behind a table with papers on it.

During the summer of 2017, I was given a scholarship from the VFTLA, the Veterans in Film and TV, now the VME, the Veterans in Media & Entertainment, to attend the Art of Visual Story Telling with Miles Watkins in West Hollywood, CA. This training allows me to get out of the studio and film interviews anywhere. I really enjoy interviewing people about how they help military veterans and learning about their stories of service.

Recently completed my first on location VHVtv interview, that I filmed and edited using the i movie on a Mac and Canon Vixia camera.
A young woman in military attire wearing a hat.

It is with Gail Soffer, the Founder of the Mindful Warrior Project. She discusses the techniques of mindfulness and how it helps military veterans and their families. The Mindful Warrior Project is based in Los Angeles and available through workshops in Southern California. This was filmed at the first Women Veterans Alliance Unconference in SoCal in October 2017.

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