Sheryl Shaffer is the CSSDAR Veteran Volunteer of the Year 2021

A woman in red shirt and pearls standing next to an american flag.

A young woman in military attire wearing a hat.

So honored to receive the Certificate of Award and Medal as the California State Society Daughters of the American Revolution 2021 Outstanding DAR Veteran Volunteer for Service for Veterans at the California State Society Daughters of the American Revolution (CSSDAR) 113th State Convention on March 5, 2021.

A young woman in military attire wearing a hat.
Sheryl Alexa Hoke Shaffer

A young woman in military attire wearing a hat.

DAR Services For Veterans State Winner.

A young woman in military attire wearing a hat.

Grateful and proud to be a member of the DAR Presidio. Thank you so much!

We film Veterans Helping Veterans TV as a Community Educational Access series at the Midpen Media Center HD studio in Palo Alto, CA.
A young woman in military attire wearing a hat.
Since June 2020, VHVtv Co Producer Richard Gonzales and I created 10 Virtual Interviews by using video conferencing meetings, i phone, digital photos and B roll, rough cut edits on the i movie and Richard completes the final edits using Premiere Pro. Since March 2020, all on location and in studio filming was shutdown because of the Covid 19. We pivoted and kept filming interviews virtually to create content for Veterans Helping Veterans TV. The 10 Virtual Interviews are with Women Veterans about how military service changed them into living lives of service as Veteran Advocates. We present stories of diversity, inclusion and being of service in the Veteran Community.
For more information: [email protected]

Since I retired from the CA EDD in 2004, I have dedicated my retirement years in continuing to produce and improving Veterans Helping Veterans TV. This is a collaborative effort between guests, studio volunteer crew and how we create content for VHVtv in the Midpen Media Center HD studio and now virtually using videoconferencing, b roll and digital photos.

Thank You to everyone who has been involved in the creation of VHVtv: Media Center studio, staff and crew volunteers, guest hosts and guests.

On my father’s side, my DAR Patriot is Cpt. Jacob Hendershot, a Revolutionary War Hero.
My parents James C. Hoke and Blanca Armida Romero were World War 2 Veterans and this is their wedding photo.
A young woman in military attire wearing a hat.
A young woman in military attire wearing a hat.Lucile Hendershot Hoke Buffin with her son, James Clarence Hoke 1935.

2 Replies to “Sheryl Shaffer is the CSSDAR Veteran Volunteer of the Year 2021”

  1. So proud of you Sheryl. You touch & lift up so many lives! Congratulations on your award. I know you will keep on keeping on!

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