Tonya Savice, Director of Advocacy of VetArt, the Veterans Arts Project

A woman standing in front of a store window.

A young woman in military attire wearing a hat.

Tonya Savice is a U.S. Air Force Veteran and the Director of Advocacy of VetArt, the Veterans Arts Project. Tanya advises us that Good Mental Health is Great Mental Wealth

A young woman in military attire wearing a hat.

A young woman in military attire wearing a hat.

VHVtv Producers Sandy Dee and Sheryl Shaffer, Tonya Savice and Antoinette Dorsey-Taylor of VetArt, the Veterans Arts Project.
A young woman in military attire wearing a hat.

Tonya says good mental health is Great Mental Wealth

VHVtv 1 minute clip is with Tonya Savice, U.S. Air Force veteran. She tells how creating art has helped her to heal from Military Sexual Trauma.
A young woman in military attire wearing a hat.

VetArt Spoken Word Performance “The Starfish Mentality.” by Tonya Savice, U.S.Air Force Veteran.
A young woman in military attire wearing a hat.

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