Sheryl Alexa Shaffer is a story teller and the content creator of Veterans Helping Veterans TV, VHVtv Sheryl’s videos 2024 Veterans Helping Veterans TV, VHVtv,…
June 12 is Women Veterans Recognition Day. VHVtv is Honoring Women Veterans by sharing videos and 1 minute clips from our interviews with Women Veterans…
VHVtv filmed interviews at the VetArt Exhibition on Opening Day at the Bonita Museum in SoCal and the exhibit continues until March 30. VETART Encourages…
During December 2023, we volunteered to film a few events and the first one was at the VetArt studio in Vista on Friday, Dec. 8…
. Veteran Artists Interviews Discover the talented veteran artists showcasing their work in the VetArt Pop-Up Cafe Sacramento 2023 documentary. The first video is with…
Veteran Interviews Sharing the first video I made from the VetArt Pop-Up Arts Cafe in Los Angeles. It is with U.S. Navy Veteran, Carolina Hernandez.…
On September 23, VetArt had a Pop-Up Arts Arts Cafe in Petaluma in Sonoma County. VetArt and the Life On Earth Art Studio collaborated to…
Veterans Helping Veterans tv is a Community Educational Access TV series produced for the MidPen Media Center in Palo Alto. Our YouTube channel is @VhvtvOrg…
VetArt visits the Crocker Museum in Sacramento VetArt Team Ivan Sam, Tonya Savice, Sheryl Shaffer, Steve Macks Dilley, Reginald Green, and Sandy Dee visited the…
. INTERVIEWS WITH VETERAN ARTISTS AT THE VETERANS ARTS POP-UP CAFE Tonya Savice is a U.S. Air Force Veteran and the Director of Advocacy of…