Veterans Helping Veterans tv is a Community Educational Access TV series produced for the MidPen Media Center in Palo Alto. Our YouTube channel is @VhvtvOrg and since October 2022, we are part of the VetArt Team traveling with the VetArt Pop-Up Cafes in California. We film with our iPhone and edit on the I Movie these incredible interviews with Veterans who became Artists so they could better cope with military trauma.
VetArt Pop-Up2Peace Santa Cruz Videos and 1 Hour Documentary:
Meet Avalon Salvadore. Avalon is part of the VetArt Team that travels in California to set up the VetArt Pop-Up Arts Cafes. She is the VetArt Production Assistant.
VHVtv filmed at the VetArt Pop-Up2Peace Arts Cafe in Santa Cruz on August 4, 2023.
Perry Spencer is the Founding Director of Up2Peace in Santa Cruz. He is a U.S. Army Veteran and tells how and why he started his non-profit, Up2Peace.
Ivan Sam is the VetArt Cultural Ambassador, a U.S. Navy Veteran and presents the Land Acknowledgment and sings Navajo Songs of “The Four Directions” as he welcomes the public to the VetArt Pop-Up Creative Arts Cafe in downtown Santa Cruz.
VetArt Santa Cruz Interview with William S. Muir, U.S. Army Veteran and Artist.
Reginald Green is a U.S. Navy Veteran and the Ceramics Instructor at the VetArt Studio in Vista, CA.
Sandy Dee filmed this great VetArt Interview with U.S. Navy Veteran, Anelle A. Sandoval
Travis DeYoung is a U.S. Marine Corps Veteran, a Veteran Advocate for the County of Santa Cruz and an Artist.
VetArt Interview with Perry Spencer, U.S. Army Veteran and Artist.
Arthur Hull leads the VetArt Santa Cruz Drum Circle.
All of these interviews were made into a 1 Hour Documentary, VetArt Pop-Up2Peace Arts Cafe Santa Cruz Documentary:
VetArt is funded by the MHSOAC
VetArt is funded by the MHSOAC, Mental Health Services Oversight & Accountability Commission Statewide Innovation Funded Projects for Veterans Mental Health and wellness through pop up Arts cafes. Changing lives through Art, Creating Mental Wealth.
All the VetArt Pop-Up Arts Cafes Videos and Documentaries
All the VetArt Pop-Up Art Cafe Videos and Documentaries:
Our first VetArt documentary is “The Storytellers of VetArt”
Veterans Pop-Up Arts Paso Robles
Veterans Pop-Up Arts Cafe Placerville/El Dorado
Veterans Pop-Up Arts Cafe Mendocino
VetArt and the First Annual Veterans Art Day in Sonoma County
VetArt Pop-Up Arts Cafe Los Angeles
VetArt Pop-Up Cafe Sacramento 2023