Here is a trailer Sandy Dee made about the VetArt Veterans Pop-Up Arts Cafe event we filmed in Ukiah in Mendocino/Lake County.
Sharing the first interview we did at the Veterans Pop-Up Arts Cafe in Mendocino/Lake and it is with Maria Ysela Galvan, U.S. Army Major (Ret.) and an Artist at VetArt.
This is an interview we did with Robert Louis Permenter, U.S. Army Combat Veteran. He demonstrates his painting and how becoming an artist helps him deal with his military trauma.
VetArt Mendocino Interview with Mark Rothrock, U.S. Navy Veteran, Artist and his Blackboard Mustang.
Here is an interview with Colin Hoffman about his Baby Fatts Collection.
Listen to the homeless veteran playing guitar and singing his own songs in the back ground and how Colin and Darron interacted with him.
This segment was filmed by Sandy Dee.
Sandy did this interview with VetArts Events Photographer Angelito Baustista, U.S. Navy (Ret) Veteran.
Today, July 23, 2023, I finished editing our half hour documentary combining all the interviews we did with Veteran Artists at the VetArt Pop-Up Arts Cafe in Mendocino/Lake. Thank You VHVtv co-producer Sandy Dee.
VetArt is sponsored by the MHSOAC, Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission, a California State Agency.
“Art making is the deepest form of personal advocacy. Don’t tell me, show me.”
Our first VetArt documentary is “The Storytellers of VetArt”
Veterans Pop-Up Arts Paso Robles
Veterans Pop-Up Arts Cafe Placerville/El Dorado
Veterans Pop-Up Arts Cafe Santa Cruz
VetArt and the First Annual Veterans Art Day in Sonoma County
VetArt Pop-Up Arts Cafe Los Angeles
VetArt Pop-Up Cafe Sacramento 2023