WVA-VME Panel 2018 & 2017.

A woman in black and white shirt smiling.

Members of the Veterans in Media & Entertainment presented a panel discussion at the Women Veterans Alliance Unconference in SoCal on Sept. 29, 2018.

The featured VME members are: Lugdy Cueva, Y’Dhanna Daniels, Jennifer Pirante, Sheryl Shaffer, Karen Vasquez and Marina Viscun.

A young woman in military attire wearing a hat.
A young woman in military attire wearing a hat.

The Women Veterans Alliance is all about empowering women veterans. http://www.womenveteransalliance.org/.

The panelists tell their stories of how their involvement with the Veterans in Media & Entertainment, the VME, is having a positive impact on their entertainment/media careers. They offer advice to other women veterans on how to achieve a career in the entertainment industry.

They encourage others to join the Veterans in Media & Entertainment, the VME Connect, and the American Legion Post 43 in Hollywood and to get involved, volunteer and network. The VME, formerly the Veterans in TV & Film Los Angeles, the VFTLA, is a non-profit that has over over 3,000 members and they have chapters across the nation.

WVA-VME Paneel 2017 https://youtu.be/VC-jVUNhpfU

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