VVA Women Veterans Interviews.

A picture of the vietnam veterans of america logo.

In July, I went to the Vietnam Veterans of America National Leadership & Education Conference A young woman in military attire wearing a hat.

in Palm Springs, CA.
A young woman in military attire wearing a hat.

VHVtv had the opportunity to film interviews with Kate O’Hare-Palmer, VVA Chair of the Women Veterans Committee, Marsha Four, VVA Vice President andSandy Miller, VVA Chair of the Homeless Veterans Committee.

A young woman in military attire wearing a hat. A young woman in military attire wearing a hat.

The first interview we filmed was with Kate O’Hare Palmer and Marsha Four. They discuss their military service as U.S. Army combat nurses during the Vietnam War and how joining the Vietnam Veterans of America changed their lives as they became champion advocates for veterans.

This is a half hour show and is our September program at the MidPeninsula Media Center in Palo Alto, CA.

The second interview is with Sandy Miller, U.S. Navy veteran and
VVA Chair of the Homeless Veterans Committee.

A young woman in military attire wearing a hat. A young woman in military attire wearing a hat.
Here is Sandy Miller’s interview, “Hope for Homeless Veterans.” .

Thank you to Elizabeth Porter for your assistance in filming these interviews
A young woman in military attire wearing a hat.
and to the Vietnam Veterans of America Media Office.
A young woman in military attire wearing a hat..

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