We are excited to film and tell the stories of Veterans creating art as a way to heal from trauma. This is our first 1 hour documentary, “The Story Tellers of VetArt.” This is the first VetArt Pop-Up Arts Cafe in Sacramento October 2022.
VetArt, The Veterans Art Project, Pop-Up event Videos
VetArt Pop-Up Paso Robles
VetArt Placerville Interviews
Here is a “VetArt Pop-Up Cafe Placerville” trailer created by Sandy Dee.
You need to check it out!
The Origin Story of VetArt, the Veterans Art Project
Veterans Create Art to Heal From Trauma
We are sharing our first 1 hour documentary, “The Story Tellers of VetArt”
These are the stories of Veterans creating art as a way to heal from trauma.
VetArt encourages creativity and presents a way for Veterans to showcase their Artworks.
VHVtv enjoyed filming at the VetArt Pop Up Cafe featuring 20 amazing Veteran Artists.
Co-Producer Sandy Dee and I were given the opportunity to film a 1 hour documentary about the VetArt Pop-Up Cafe in Sacramento, CA.
The Veterans Art Project, VetArt, is doing California statewide Pop-up Arts Cafes
and this is the first one filmed on location at the California State Capital, West Steps on October 12, 2022.
VetArt is sponsored by the MHSOAC
VetArt is sponsored by the MHSOAC, Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission, a California State Agency.
“The Story Tellers of VetArt” featuring these Veteran Artists:
Ivan Sam, Breona Calvert, Darren Devillez, Tonya Savice, Tony LoBue, Indigo Moor, Travis Orth, Luz Helena Thompson, Colin Hoffman, Reginald Green,
Ehren Tool, Maria Ysela Galvan, Omar Columbus, Carolina Hernandez, Rachelle Steele, Veteran Art Institue, Bruce Fennigkoh, Phyllis Thomas, Malika Humphrey and Kiyo Sato.
Veterans Helping Veterans TV Producers
VHVtv’s 2 Producers are Sheryl Shaffer and Sandy Dee, Founder of “A Pawsability4Veterans” and we film our content with our
iPhone 13 Pro’s and edit on the iMovie.
Thank you Steve Dilley, Executive Director of The Veterans Art Project for this incredible opportunity!
Sharing 1 Minute Clips of all the Veteran Artists featured in
“The Story Tellers of VetArt”
Clip #1 is an interview with Ehren Tool, U.S. Marine Corps Veteran and Potter.
Clip #2 is a Spoken Word performance of the poem, “Camouflaged Heart” by U.S. Air Force Veteran Omar Columbus.
Clip #3 is about Tonya Savice, U.S.Air Force Veteran, as she shares her story of healing through her Art.
Clip #4 is with Colin Hoffman, Sculptor.
Clip #5 is Carolina Hernandez and Veteran Couture, Inc.
Clip #6 is with Darron Davillez, Master of Ceremonies of the VetArt Pop-Ups.
Clip #7 is with Phyllis Thomas, an artist and a U. S. Navy Veteran.
Clip #8 is with Bruce Fennigkoh, U.S. Army Veteran.
Clip #9 is about Fine Arts Photographer, Rachelle Steele, U.S. Navy Veteran.
Clip #10 is with Ivan Sam, U.S. Navy Veteran and the First Nations Land Acknowledgement.
Clip #11 is about Reginald Green, Artist/Sculptor.
Clip #12 is about Kiyo Sato, U.S. Air Force Nurse Corp Veteran and Author, “Kiyo’s Story.”
Clip #13 is with Anthony A. LoBue, Artist and U.S. Army Veteran.
VHVtv Clip #14 is about VetArt and their partnership with the Mental Health Services Oversight & Accountability Commission, the MHSOAC.
Tom Orrick is the Chief of Commission Operation & Grants, MHSOAC and speaks about the impact of art therapy to Veterans overcoming Trauma.
VHVtv Clip #15 features Breona Calvert as she sings the National Anthem at the VetArt PopUp in Sacramento on October 12, 2022.
VHVtv Clip #16 is with Indigo Moor, U.S.Navy Veteran and the Sacramento Poet Laureate Emeritus.
VHVtv Clip #17 is about Kathleen McMinn Ellertson, Founder of the Veterans Art Institute.
VHVtv Clip #18 is with Travis Orth as he sings his original song,”For The Families” and it features the Art of Phyllis Thomas, Tony LoBue and Luz Helena Thompson.
VHVtv Clip #19 is about Malika Humphrey, U.S. Air Force Veteran and Photographer.
VHVtv Clip #20 is about Jill Brenegan and Art Therapy.
VHVtv Clip #21 is a Spoken Word Performance, “The Starfish Mentality” performed by Tonya Savice, U.S.A.F. Veteran.
VHVtv Clip #22 is with Darron Devillez a U. S. Navy Veteran as he tells us how he overcame homelessness and became a College Professor through Art Therapy.
VHVtv Clip #23 is the Drum Circle. at VetArt.
Here is a trailer of our documentary about VetArt. Thank You VHVtv Co-Producer Sandy Dee for creating this preview.
We had so much fun at this event and met incredible Veterans who tell us how creating Art has impacted their lives through VetArt.org.
Co Producer Sandy Dee and Sheryl Shaffer filmed content at the Pop Up using IPhone 13 Pro’s and editing on the iMovie.
This was a wonderful experience to film at the VetArt.org Pop Up Cafe in Sacramento, CA and to share the stories of these incredible Veteran Artists!
All the VetArt Pop-Up Art Cafe Videos and Documentaries:
Veterans Pop-Up Arts Paso Robles
Veterans Pop-Up Arts Cafe Placerville/El Dorado
Veterans Pop-Up Arts Cafe Mendocino
Veterans Pop-Up Arts Cafe Santa Cruz
VetArt and the First Annual Veterans Art Day in Sonoma County
VetArt Pop-Up Arts Cafe Los Angeles
VetArt Pop-Up Cafe Sacramento 2023
VHVtv is Community Educational Access TV.
We film Veterans Helping Veterans TV as a Public, Educational and Government (PEG) Access series for the MidPen Media Center studio in Palo Alto, CA.
Media Center Producer’s Agreement and Personal Release Forms
Sheryl Shaffer is a Volunteer Community Producer at the MidPen Media Center and operates under their Producers Agreement and produces a half hour show when it is filmed in the Media Center HD studio.
Each Guest is required to sign a Media Center Personal Appearance Release.
We have more 1 minute clips from other VHVtv episodes available at
VHVtv created 24 virtual interviews from March 2020 to March 2022. Thank You VHVtv Co-Producer Richard Gonzalez.
Virtual Interviews 2020 to 2021. https://vhvtv.org/vhvtv-virtual-interviews-2020/
Virtual Interviews 2922. https://vhvtv.org/vhvtv-virtual-interviews-2021/
VHVtv is produced as Community Educational Access educational for the MidPen Media Center in Palo Alto.
Before the pandemic, we produced half hour interviews in the Media Center studio. Now we create our content using iPhones.
https://vhvtv.org/vhvtv-now-filming-short-form-content/ as well as creating our first 1 hour documentary, “The Story Tellers of VetArt.”
Thank You to our Sponsors: VetArt.org for the incredible opportunity to document the Artworks at the VetArt PopUp Art Cafe, Sacramento, CA 2022
and for our web site maintenance for Google Analytics v4: AMVETS Post 34 San Francisco (Yoast SEO)
and A Pawsability 4Veterans (MonsterInsights for GAv4.) .
Great Art Bruce, keep it up. The best.